  • 7 Days Hair Strengthening Challenge Juices

7 Days Hair Strengthening Challenge Juices


Specially formulated juices designed to support hair health and promote stronger, more resilient hair. Crafted with a potent mix of nutrient-rich ingredients, ensuring that it receives the vital nutrients required for growth, strength, and shine.

Kindly indicate the date you would like us to deliver your juices in the ORDER NOTES [Important: Do input the delivery one date before your start date] 

This juice package is for public members who would like to undergo our 7 days hair strengthening challenge, you will be receiving juices every 2 days and juices are to be consumed within 3 days; here is what you can expect:

Convenient - Save up your time by making your own juices and deliver to your doorsteps.

Freshness - Use only fresh ingredients for our juices.

No nonsense - Made without adding any preservatives, fats, or refined sugar

21 x 300ml Juices

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