• Green Almond Milk (500ml)
  • cold pressed Juice, Farmz Asia, Nut Milk, Detox, juice, fresh juice, 23 days detox, juice detox, Nut milk, Vegan Milk, Green Almond Milk

Green Almond Milk (500ml)

  • dairy_free Dairy Free
  • vegetarian Vegan
  • gluten_free Gluten Free
  • Up to 80% fewer calories than regular dairy milk.
  • High fiber helps prolong satiety and aid in weight loss.
  • High concentrations of calcium aid in developing STRONG BONES and prevent fractures and Osteoporosis.
  • Contains muscle-building protein and is rich in magnesium to relax and relieve stiff muscles.
  • Lactose-free and plant-based, suitable for vegans and for those who have diary allergies.
  • Rich in Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that can reduce inflammation, stress, and the risk of diseases.
  • Contains carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, and calcium. Which may reduce oxidative stress, promote eye health, fight cancer, and regulate blood pressure.
  • 0% added sugar.
  • Convenience - Save up your time from making your own milk and deliver it to your doorsteps.
  • Freshness - Use only fresh ingredients for our juices.
  • No nonsense - Made without adding any preservatives, fats, or refined sugar
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