  • Revival Method 3.0 - 23 Days Detox Convenience Juice Package 1200kcal

Revival Method 3.0 - 23 Days Detox Convenience Juice Package 1200kcal

$1,103.95 - $1,342.99

Kindly indicate the date you would like us to deliver your juices in the ORDER NOTES [Important: Input the delivery date to be one day before your start date]

** The juice packages are for REVIVALS 3.0 ONLY ** (as per your Juice Plan specially prepared by Farmz Asia’s Dietitians / Nutritionists and TCM Practitioner)

*Please select if you are on the flushing or non-flushing plan.

Phase 1:
2 x 30ml Shot
6 x 300ml Juice 
6 x 500ml Juice

Phase 2: (Non-flushing)

6 x 30ml Shot
6 x 500ml Juice 


Phase 2: (Flushing)

2x 30ml

1x 300ml Juice

18x 500ml Juice

Phase 3:
7 x 30ml Shot
21 x 500ml Juice, Smoothie, and Milk


2 x 30ml Shot

4x 300ml Juice

12 total deliveries

  • Convenient - Save up your time from making your own juices and deliver to your doorsteps (every 2 days).
  • Freshness - Use only fresh ingredients for our juices.
  • No nonsense - Made without adding any preservatives, fats, or refined sugar


Note : Juice order need to be placed AT LEAST 3 days in advance of the juice delivery date. Any late order will receive the juices later.

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